Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Creating Your Blog

1. Go to and sign up to a google account (use your college email when it asks for an email to keep it separate from any personal work).

2. When signed in, click on the New Blog button, give it a title, address and pick a template  
3. Click on your title to get the edit bar up on the left – this is where you can change the appearance of your blog. The main buttons you will use will be Layout and Template.
Template is exactly what it says – more appearance templates. If you want to customise it more, use a simple template.

Layout allows you to remove or add items and move things around. Good things to add are Links and Blog Roll. Blog Roll will be a list of blogs you want to keep an eye on – really good if it’s a class / student project rather than a promotional tool. If this is the case, make sure they add you (and each other?) too.

In Layout you can add a title image too if you want it to look more personal. There is a template for this on the O drive (O/Art 2012/Blogs)
4.  Now you’re ready to post – click the New Post button on the left.
5. Give it a title and start writing. If you want to add a link, image or video at any time, click the icon in the toolbar at the top and it will appear where you stopped writing. When you’re finished, you can preview it or just click Publish and there it is.

6. Your new post will automatically appear at the top of the blogroll of anyone following you. When anyone you’re following creates a new post, it will appear at the top of your blogroll, with the date, so you can keep an eye on how often people are posting.  

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